Tuesday, October 30, 2012


Why yes, I have a new blog. I see each blog I create as a rough draft of some final creation that has simply put... not yet come to be. Each blog is a trial that lasts however long the thoughts are there and however long I can communicate exactly what is on my heart in that moment. I loved my last blog but I just stopped writing. I didn't have anything left in me to write. Hopefully I've found some new inspiration and will be writing more often now. It's just something writers do. I teach students that sometimes writers have a lot to say and sometimes they can go for long periods of time without feeling the need to communicate by putting pen to paper. (Or thought to keystroke!) 

I pray that through this blog you are able to observe the joy of Christ in my life and experience that same joy in your life. "Chairein" is a word that Beth Moore taught me in Bible study a couple weeks ago. It means JOY TO YOU. When she talked about the joy of Christ being something God intend's for all of us, I thought it would be the perfect blog name. So welcome. Chairen. May joy be yours today and always.