Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Adoption Yard Sale! We need YOU.

A couple that we know recently had a rummage sale (yard sale) to help fundraise for their Ghana adoption and their results...? WOW! They prayed for God to help them raise $2,000 and He nearly DOUBLED that! Praise HIM. With it being summer time and me hardly working {dang budget cuts!}, this is the perfect time to host a yard sale of our own!

While the date isn't for sure just yet, I am thinking that it is going to be the first Friday and Saturday in August in LOUISVILLE. It makes sense to have it in Louisville because we know a lot more people there and we are hoping those friends of ours will consider making donations! Everyone goes through their closet every now and then, and we are willing to accept anything you are wanting to get rid of! Gently used clothes, shoes, handbags, toys, household items, small/medium sized furniture... your unwanted items or "junk" that is cluttering up your house could help bring an orphan into a loving family.

If you have items that you would like to donate, please contact me {Briana} and I or someone in my family can come pick them up or give you an address if you are willing to drop them off at my parent's house. Alex and I have already been going through our closets and gathering items to sell, but we would love to see this be a community effort. It takes a village!

We also need FRIENDS & VOLUNTEERS to help the day of the sale. Do you have young children that might want to participate? We can provide them with all the equipment to set up a little lemonade/snack stand! I can recall countless lemonade stands I manned as a child. They are FUN! We can really find something for everyone who is wanting to help. It will be a TWO DAY EVENT, so the more volunteers, the better! 

We are also looking to raffle off some gift cards to local restaurants, etc. If you just finished spring cleaning and donated all your unwanted items to Goodwill already, you could help by donating a gift card! We will be so grateful for ANYTHING you are willing to give. 

The best way to reach me {Briana} is by phone {502.216.4606}, email {themccallfamily@insightbb.com} or Facebook. I will be in Louisville the 12th and 13th and am willing to meet anyone to collect items, so please let me know if you have anything! We are really looking forward to this and hope that our family, friends and acquaintances can SPREAD  THE WORD! 

Update: {We move in 10 days and then finally have our HOME STUDY!! There is light at the end of the tunnel for this part of the process...}

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