Tuesday, August 20, 2013


While we are waiting on my fingerprint results to come back for our completed home study, I have made progress with the puzzle! I just got the new one in the mail TODAY and couldn't wait to start working on it. This one is so much easier. THANK YOU ALL. :)

The border is now complete, and I started writing names on the back of the pieces. I couldn't get a picture of the names without messing it up so I'll have to do that when Alex is here with me to make sure it doesn't fall apart.

I was debating on getting two 500 piece puzzles because we have just hit 500 puzzle pieces sold, and I thought 1,000 was too big of a number, but then I remembered my God is a big God and with His help we can sell 1,000 pieces! So far we have sold exactly 505 puzzle pieces and that is over half our goal! Thank you to those of you who purchased pieces. Hopefully we will sell the remaining 495, and even though that feels like such a big number, I know that it is possible. So if you're interested in purchasing a puzzle piece, click on the PayPal button on the left side of the blog! Check back for more updates... I update our Adoption Timeline section more frequently than I write longer posts.

Also, please pray for our future daughter! Pray for her health and safety. I can't wait until we have a face and name that we can specifically pray for, but until then, I'll keep dreaming. :)

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